Five years ago, when Google changed its ranking methods, most of the search engine world was thrown into disarray.
Not Colin McDougal.
He went straight to the source - Google itself - and got unprecedented insight into Google's plans to stamp out search engine spam.
Three-way reciprocal links? The Google sandbox? Is this what your SEO guru has been teaching you?
If so, you better listen to this explosive interview before you waste any more time and money on stale, out-dated advice.
Colin offers a phenomenal free service at the end of this call that I've seen others charge $1,000 and up for - and these other offers don't hold a candle to what Colin is giving away to Pre-System students.
The economic realities force a real estate agent question how good the property investment will be , the credit loans re common but financial institutions cannot minimize the default ratios .
Posted by: Free and Clear | October 20, 2009 at 06:36 AM
Great info from Colin McDougall.
I lived in Vancouver ( precisely in White Rock) for a few years and know it is a great place.
I don't know if I did use Colin's approach but I started a blog about 6 weeks ago and the 3rd week I was getting an average of 50 clicks a day and comments and requests for info.
Of course, I want to increase these daily clicks numbers.
I am going to apply the suggestions from Colin in the next few days.
Posted by: Victor | April 28, 2008 at 07:40 PM
Hey Folks,
Colin McDougall here. It seems there have been some issues with "readability" with The Constant Conversation download.
The problem seems to occur only for those on Mac's running the Leopard OS.
I am able to view the report on my PC's and Mac (pre-leopard).
Todd - Please send me your contact information to [email protected]
I would like to hear more about what went wrong so that I can make sure it is fixed :)
Randy, thanks for your kind words! When it comes to talking about building a successful business there are SO many aspects ranging from mindset to knowing what to do and that is why it is a good business plan to attend seminars such as Ken's to get immersed in the culture, meet people and gain knowledge.
I hope that Ken and I do another call prior to The Systems Seminar. I absolutely love helping others achieve their goals!
Posted by: Colin McDougall | March 30, 2008 at 05:08 AM
Hi Ken,
My name is Chu and I am from Singapore. I really enjoy your pre-system course. I am just wondering whether is there any chance that you will hold a system seminar in Asia in the near future? I would be the first to sign up if you were here in Asia. Hope to listen the good news from you one day.
Posted by: Chu Ern Teng | March 29, 2008 at 01:11 PM
Great audio...!
Hats off to you guys. You really are knocking it out of the park with this information. I was on the fence about coming, but now making arrangements to be there.
If you want, while I'm there, we can show people how to legitimately eliminate auto expense from their budgets saving them more than enough money to pay for your event.
You can get the details here
Kind regards,
Anthony Scavuzzo
Posted by: Anthony Scavuzzo | March 28, 2008 at 09:45 AM
Just to follow up on my previous post. Used a second email address and went through the registration process a second time. It worked.
The autoresponders are slow enough you need to give it a day, but it did work in the end.
Not sure what happened to the first confirmed registration. Oh well.
Posted by: Todd T. | March 27, 2008 at 08:43 PM
Great interview. You peaked my interest enough to follow up on the VEO report offer.
I ordered the VEO report at Constantconversation, received the confirming email, confirmed and received nothing. Checked filters for trapped messages and nothing. Tried everywhere to find a phone number or email address to follow up and nothing. Tried to sign up a second time and the system said I was already registered.
Is there some way I can follow up and get the VEO report per the interview? Frustrated but interested.
Thanks, Todd
Posted by: Todd T. | March 26, 2008 at 11:32 PM
Excellent interview. My only regret is that Colin could not really get going until a third of the time was gone--way too much interruption from Ken, which really adds no content. If the idea was to recall the previous conversation in Vancouver, why not let Colin just go and give his superb content.
Posted by: Vero | March 26, 2008 at 06:27 AM
I'm extremely impressed with your seo procedure. Your offering premium information most people never get. I would say its inevitable that I will be successful with affliate marketing armed with this information.
Thank you for such good advice and direction. Of course when the money is coming in, I will be attending your systems get together.
Just thought you would like to know about this, and please keep the information coming!
Posted by: Randy L. | March 24, 2008 at 12:49 PM
Five Stars *****
Whew! I just finished reading CC-Report and listening to the recording (after being sent here thru Ken McCarthy).
This is a different 'hook'. Never thought about it from that standpoint. Yes, we wanted to create value driven sites and using PR to promote our sites, but to get info like this on an eBook is like striking oil. Since you have already coined VEO, I'll coin something else. Maybe it'll catch up.
I have been refocusing what I've learned and what I need to work on, and this should be a good model to use. And I agree with your mindset, Google PR makes no difference on a site. I'll try the powerpoint sharing site.
What I got from TeachingSells coupled with this knowledge should be more than enough fuel to feed the refocused business that I will be working on.
Posted by: George Manlangit | March 24, 2008 at 02:37 AM
I'm running Leopard on an iMac. I followed the link in Colin's email (to the report) and with Safari as my default browser, the report popped right up (using Safari's built-in PDF reader).
Hope this helps you get the report!
Posted by: david jacoby | March 23, 2008 at 02:11 PM
Hi Colin
I just sent you an email. The Constant Conversation White Paper can't be read after downloading. I've got a Macbook, Leopard laptop. It says it's coming as a PDF and opens as such but except the cover and first two pages the text isn't available. Has anyone else had this problem?
Great talk you had with Ken. I'm in New Zealand and as a Trustee to a charitable Trust that's trying to get a dynamite resource out to expectant parents ... I set myself to learn as much as I can about internet marketing. Can't say we're successful yet but hope never dies and re-doing and more learning keeps me inspired to never say quit.
Thanks again and look forward to getting that white paper. You'll see a slide show on in the near future.
Wintergreen, trustee
Posted by: Wintergreen | March 23, 2008 at 06:53 AM